

  1. Shichino Y, Yamaguchi T, Kashiwagi K, Mito M, Takahashi M, Ito T, Ingolia NT, Kuba K, Iwasaki S.
    eIF4A1 enhances LARP1-mediated translational repression during mTORC1 inhibition.
    Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2024. doi: 10.1038/s41594-024-01321-7
  2. Zhong P, Nakata K, Oyama K, Higashijima N, Sagara A, Date S, Luo H, Hayashi M, Kubo A, Wu C, He S, Yamamoto T, Koikawa K, Iwamoto C, Abe T, Ikenaga N, Ohuchida K, Morisaki T, Oda Y, Kuba K, Nakamura M.
    Blockade of histamine receptor H1 augments immune checkpoint therapy by enhancing MHC-I expression in pancreatic cancer cells.
    J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 3(1):138, 2024. doi: 10.1186/s13046-024-03060-5
  3. Kemuriyama K, An J, Motoyama S, Nagaki Y, Yamaguchi T, Sato Y, Wakita A, Minamiya Y, Kuba K*.
    Squamous cell carcinoma-derived G-CSF promotes tumor growth and metastasis in mice through neutrophil recruitment and tumor cell proliferation, associated with poor prognosis of the patients.
    Genes to Cells. 28(8):573-584, 2023. doi: 10.1111/gtc.13051
  4. Yamada T, Tatematsu M, Takasuga S, Fuchimukai A, Yamagata K, Seki S, Kuba K, Yoshida H, Taniuchi I, Bernhardt G, Shibuya K, Shibuya A, Yamada T, Ebihara T.
    TIGIT mediates activation-induced cell death of ILC2s during chronic airway allergy.
    J Exp Med. 220(7):e20222005, 2023. doi: 10.1084/jem.20222005
  5. Yamada D, Kojima Y, Hosoya A, Suzuki M, Watabe T, Inoue T, Tsugawa N, Asakawa T, Yonemoto Y, Onizawa M, Nemoto Y, Oshima S, Shimonaka M, Kuba K, Ishida J, Fukamizu A, Penninger JM, Watanabe M, Okamoto R, Nagaishi T.
    Apelin expression is downregulated in T cells in a murine model of chronic colitis.
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 647:72-79, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2023.01.068
  6. An J, Nagaki Y, Motoyama S, Kuze Y, Hoshizaki M, Kemuriyama K, Yamaguchi T, Ebihara T, Minamiya Y, Suzuki Y, Imai Y, Kuba K*.
    Identification of Galectin-7 as a crucial metastatic enhancer of squamous cell carcinoma associated with immunosuppression.
    Oncogene 41(50):5319-5330, 2022. doi: 10.1038/s41388-022-02525-1
  7. Minato T, Yamaguchi T, Hoshizaki M, Nirasawa S, An J, Takahashi S, Penninger JM, Imai Y, Kuba K*.
    ACE2-like enzyme B38-CAP suppresses abdominal sepsis and severe acute lung injury.
    PLoS One. 17(7):e0270920, 2022. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0270920.
  8. Fujita H, Motoyama S, An J, Nagakai Y, Yamaguchi T, Koyota S, Sato Y, Wakita A, Imai K, Kuba K, Minamiya Y.
    Peritumoral CD16b positive-neutrophil accumulation strongly correlates with regional lymph node metastasis in thoracic esophageal squamous cell cancer.
    Surgery 171(6):1535-1542, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.surg.2021.11.022
  9. Yamaguchi T, Hoshizaki M#, Minato T#, Nirasawa S, Asaka MN, Niiyama M, Imai M, Uda A, Chan JFW, Takahashi S, An J, Saku A, Nukiwa R, Utsumi D, Kiso M, Yasuhara A, Poon VKM, Chan CCS, Fujino Y, Motoyama S, Nagata S, Penninger JM, Kamada H, Yuen KY, Kamitani W, Maeda K, Kawaoka Y, Yasutomi Y, Imai Y, Kuba K*.
    ACE2-like carboxypeptidase B38-CAP protects from SARS-CoV-2-induced lung injury.
    Nature Communications 12(1):6791, 2021.
  10. Asaka MN, Utsumi D, Kamada H, Nagata S, Nakachi Y, Yamaguchi T, Kawaoka Y, Kuba K, Yasutomi Y*.
    Highly susceptible SARS-CoV-2 model in CAG promoter-driven hACE2-transgenic mice.
    JCI Insight. 6(19):e152529, 2021.
  11. Kim KS, Iwanami S, Oda T, Fujita Y, Kuba K, Miyazaki T, Ejima K, Iwami S*.
    Incomplete antiviral treatment may induce longer durations of viral shedding during SARS-CoV-2 infection.
    Life Science Alliance. 4(10):e202101049, 2021.
  12. Shiimori M, Ichida Y, Nukiwa R, Sakuma T, Abe H, Kajitani R, Fujino Y, Kikuchi A, Kawamura T, Kodama T, Toyooka S, Shirahige K, Schotta G, Kuba K, Itoh T, Imai Y*.
    Suv4-20h2 protects against influenza virus infection by suppression of chromatin loop formation.
    iScience. 24(6):102660, 2021.
  13. Fujishima N, Kohmaru J, Koyota S, Kuba K, Saga T, Omokawa A, Moritoki Y, Ueki S, Ishida F, Nakao S, Matsuda A, Ohta A, Tohyama K, Yamasaki H, Usuki K, Nakashima Y, Sato S, Miyazaki Y, Nannya Y, Ogawa S, Sawada K, Mitani K, Hirokawa M*.
    Clonal hematopoiesis in adult pure red cell aplasia.
    Scientific Reports 11(1):2253, 2021.
  14. Minato T, Nirasawa S, Sato T, Yamaguchi T, Hoshizaki M, Inagaki T, Nakahara K, Yoshihashi T, Ozawa R, Yokota S, Natsui M, Koyota S, Yoshiya T, Yoshizawa-Kumagaye K, Motoyama S, Gotoh T, Nakaoka Y, Penninger JM, Watanabe H, Imai Y, Takahashi S, Kuba K*.
    B38-CAP is a bacteria-derived ACE2-like enzyme that suppresses hypertension and cardiac dysfunction.
    Nature Communications 11(1):1058, 2020.
  15. Takahashi A, Suzuki T, Soeda S, Takaoka S, Kobori S, Yamaguchi T, Mohamed HMA, Yanagiya A, Abe T, Shigeta M, Furuta Y, Kuba K, Yamamoto T.
    The CCR4-NOT complex maintains liver homeostasis through mRNA deadenylation.
    Life Science Alliance 3(5), pii: e201900494, 2020.
  16. Nagaki Y, Motoyama S, Yamaguchi T, Hoshizaki M, Sato Y, Sato T, Koizumi Y, Wakita A, Kawakita Y, Imai K, Nanjo H, Watanabe H, Imai Y, Minamiya Y, Kuba K*.
    m6A demethylase ALKBH5 promotes proliferation of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma associated with poor prognosis.
    Genes to Cells. 25(8):547-561, 2020.
  17. Ogawa M, Ishihara T, Isobe Y, Kato T, Kuba K, Imai Y, Uchino Y, Tsubota K, Arita M.
    Eosinophils promote corneal wound healing via the 12/15-lipoxygenase pathway.
    FASEB J. 34(9):12492-12501, 2020.
  18. Nakashima A, Takeya M, Kuba K, Takano M, Nakashima N.
    Virus database annotations assist in tracing information on patients infected with emerging pathogens.
    Informatics in Medicine Unlocked. 21:100442, 2020.
  19. Mostafa D, Takahashi A, Yanagiya A, Yamaguchi T, Abe T, Kureha T, Kuba K, Kanegae Y, Furuta Y, Yamamoto T, Suzuki T*.
    Essential functions of the CNOT7/8 catalytic subunits of the CCR4-NOT complex in mRNA regulation and cell viability.
    RNA Biology 17(3):403-416, 2020.
  20. Sato T, Kadowaki A, Suzuki T, Ito H, Watanabe H, Imai Y, Kuba K*.
    Loss of Apelin augments Angiotensin II-induced cardiac dysfunction and pathological remodeling.
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20(2) pii: E239, 2019.
  21. Koizumi Y, Fukushima J, Kobayashi Y, Kadowaki A, Natsui M, Yamaguchi T, Imai Y, Sugiyama T, Kuba K*.
    Genome-Scale CRISPR/Cas9 Screening Reveals Squalene Epoxidase as a Susceptibility Factor for Cytotoxicity of Malformin A1.
    Chembiochem. 20(12):1563-1568, 2019.
  22. Uribesalgo I, Hoffmann D, Zhang Y, Kavirayani A, Lazovic J, Berta J, Novatchkova M, Pai TP, Wimmer RA, László V, Schramek D, Karim R, Tortola L, Deswal S, Haas L, Zuber J, Szűcs M, Kuba K, Dome B, Cao Y, Haubner BJ, Penninger JM*.
    Apelin inhibition prevents resistance and metastasis associated with anti-angiogenic therapy.
    EMBO Molecular Medicine. 11(8): e9266, 2019.
  23. Takahashi A, Takaoka S, Kobori S, Yamaguchi T, Ferwati S, Kuba K, Yamamoto T, Suzuki T*.
    The CCR4-NOT deadenylase complex maintains adipocyte identity.
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20(21): E5274, 2019.
  24. Fujiwara S, Hoshizaki M, Ichida Y, Lex D, Kuroda E, Ishii KJ, Magi S, Okada M, Takao T, Gando M, Imai H, Hara R, Herzog H, Yoshimura A, Okamura H, Penninger JM, Slutsky AS, Uhlig S, Kuba K, Imai Y*.
    Pulmonary phagocyte-derived NPY and Y1 receptor axis controls the pathology of severe influenza virus infection.
    Nature Microbiology 4(2):258-268, 2019.
  25. Yamaguchi T, Suzuki T, Sato T, Takahashi A, Watanabe H, Kadowaki A, Natsui M, Inagaki H, Arakawa S, Nakaoka S, Koizumi Y, Seki S, Adachi S, Fukao A, Fujiwara T, Natsume T, Kimura A, Komatsu M, Shimizu S, Ito H, Suzuki Y, Penninger JM, Yamamoto T, Imai Y, Kuba K*.
    The CCR4-NOT deadenylase complex controls Atg7-dependent cell death and heart function.
    Science Signaling 11(516): eaan3638, 2018.
  26. Koizumi Y*, Nagai K, Gao L, Koyota S, Yamaguchi T, Natsui M, Imai Y, Hasumi K, Sugiyama T, Kuba K.
    Involvement of RSK1 activation in malformin-enhanced cellular fibrinolytic activity.
    Scientific Reports 88(1): 5472, 2018.
  27. Tanaka KI*, Tamura F, Sugizaki T, Kawahara M, Kuba K, Imai Y, Mizushima T.
    Evaluation of Lecithinized Superoxide Dismutase for the Prevention of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Animal Models.
    American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology. 56 (2): 179-190, 2017.
  28. Kimura H, Eguchi S, Sasaki J, Kuba K, Nakanishi H, Takasuga S, Yamazaki M, Goto A, Watanabe H, Itoh H, Imai Y, Suzuki A, Mizushima N, Sasaki T*.
    Vps34 regulates myofibril proteostasis to prevent hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
    JCI Insight 2 (1): e89462, 2017.
  29. Sato T, Sato C, Kadowaki A, Watanabe H, Ho L, Ishida J, Yamaguchi T, Kimura A, Fukamizu A, Penninger JM, Reversade B, Ito H, Imai Y, Kuba K*.
    ELABELA-APJ axis protects from pressure overload heart failure and angiotensin II-induced cardiac damage.
    Cardiovascular Research 113 (7): 760-769, 2017.
  30. Rodríguez-Gil A, Ritter O, Saul VV, Wilhelm J, Yang CY, Grosschedl R, Imai Y, Kuba K, Kracht M, Schmitz ML*.
    The CCR4-NOT complex contributes to repression of Major Histocompatibility Complex class II transcription.
    Scientific Reports. 7 (1): 3547, 2017.
  31. Freyer L, Hsu CW, Nowotschin S, Pauli A, Ishida J, Kuba K, Fukamizu A, Schier AF, Hoodless PA, Dickinson ME, Hadjantonakis AK*.
    Loss of Apela peptide in mice causes low penetrance embryonic lethality and defects in early mesodermal derivatives.
    Cell Reports 20(9): 2116-2130, 2017.
  32. Koizumi Y, Nagai K, Hasumi K, Kuba K, Sugiyama T*.
    Structure-activity relationship of cyclic pentapeptide malformins as fibrinolysis enhancers.
    Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 26 (21): 5267-5271, 2016.
  33. Yang CY, Ramamoorthy S, Boller S, Rosenbaum M, Rodriguez Gil A, Mittler G, Imai Y, Kuba K, Grosschedl R*.
    Interaction of CCR4-NOT with EBF1 regulates gene-specific transcription and mRNA stability in B lymphopoiesis.
    Genes & Development 30 (20): 2310-2324, 2016.
  34. Sun Y, Guo F, Zou Z, Li C, Hong X, Zhao Y, Wang C, Wang H, Liu H, Yang P, Han Z, Liu K, Kuba K, Song B, Gao J, Mo Z, Li D, Li B, Li Q, Zhong N, Wang C, Penninger JM, Jiang C*.
    Cationic nanoparticles directly bind angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 and induce acute lung injury in mice.
    Particle and Fibre Toxicology 12: 4, 2015.
  35. Demetz E, Schroll A, Auer K, Heim C, Patsch JR, Eller P, Theurl M, Theurl I, Theurl M, Seifert M, Lener D, Stanzl U, Haschka D, Asshoff M, Dichtl S, Nairz M, Huber E, Stadlinger M, Moschen AR, Li X, Pallweber P, Scharnagl H, Stojakovic T, März W, Kleber ME, Garlaschelli K, Uboldi P, Catapano AL, Stellaard F, Rudling M, Kuba K, Imai Y, Arita M, Schuetz JD, Pramstaller PP, Tietge UJ, Trauner M, Norata GD, Claudel T, Hicks AA, Weiss G, Tancevski I*.
    The arachidonic acid metabolome serves as a conserved regulator of cholesterol metabolism.
    Cell Metabolism 20: 787-98, 2014.
  36. Arimura T, Onoue K, Takahashi-Tanaka Y, Ishikawa T, Kuwahara M, Setou M, Shigenobu S, Yamaguchi K, Bertrand AT, Machida N, Takayama K, Fukusato M, Tanaka R, Somekawa S, Nakano T, Yamane Y, Kuba K, Imai Y, Saito Y, Bonne G, Kimura A*.
    Nuclear accumulation of androgen receptor in gender difference of dilated cardiomyopathy due to lamin A/C mutations.
    Cardiovascular Research 99:382-94, 2013.
  37. Sato T, Suzuki T, Watanabe H, Kadowaki A, Fukamizu A, Liu PP, Kimura A, Ito H, Penninger JM, Imai Y, Kuba K*.
    Apelin is a positive regulator of ACE2 in failing hearts.
    Journal of Clinical Investigation 123: 5203-5211, 2013.
  38. Ichikawa A, Kuba K#, Morita M, Chida S, Tezuka H, Hara H, Sasaki T, Ohteki T, Ranieri VM, dos Santos CC, Kawaoka Y, Akira S, Luster AD, Lu B, Penninger JM, Uhlig S, Slutsky AS, Imai Y*.
    CXCL10-CXCR3 enhances the development of neutrophil-mediated fulminant lung injury of viral and nonviral origin.
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 187: 65-77, 2013. (#: 共筆頭著者)
  39. Morita M, Kuba K#, Ichikawa A, Nakayama M, Katahira J, Iwamoto R, Watanebe T, Sakabe S, Daidoji T, Nakamura S, Kadowaki A, Ohto T, Nakanishi H, Taguchi R, Nakaya T, Murakami M, Yoneda Y, Arai H, Kawaoka Y, Penninger JM, Arita M, Imai Y*.
    The lipid mediator protectin D1 inhibits influenza virus replication and improves severe influenza.
    Cell 153: 112-125, 2013. (#:共筆頭著者)
  40. Hashimoto T, Perlot T, Rehman A, Trichereau J, Ishiguro H, Paolino M, Sigl V, Hanada T, Hanada R, Lipinski S, Wild B, Camargo SM, Singer D, Richter A, Kuba K, Fukamizu A, Schreiber S, Clevers H, Verrey F, Rosenstiel P, Penninger JM.
    ACE2 links amino acid malnutrition to microbial ecology and intestinal inflammation.
    Nature 487(7408): 477-481, 2012.
  41. Attané C, Foussal C, Le Gonidec S, Benani A, Daviaud D, Wanecq E, Guzman-Ruiz R, Dray C, Bezaire V, Rancoule C, Kuba K, Ruiz-Gayo M, Levade T, Penninger J, Burcelin R, Pénicaud L, Valet P, Castan-Laurell I.
    Apelin treatment increases fatty acid oxidation, mitochondrial oxidative capacity and biogenesis in muscle of insulin-resistant mice.
    Diabetes 61(2): 310-320, 2012.
  42. An J, Nakajima T, Kuba K, Kimura A*.
    Losartan inhibits LPS-induced inflammatory signaling through a PPARgamma-dependent mechanism in human THP-1 macrophages.
    Hypertension Research 33: 831-835, 2010.
  43. Neely GG, Kuba K#, Cammarato A, Isobe K, Amann S, Zhang L, Murata M, Elmén L, Gupta V, Arora S, Sarangi R, Dan D, Fujisawa S, Usami T, Xia CP, Keene AC, Alayari NN, Yamakawa H, Elling U, Berger C, Novatchkova M, Koglgruber R, Fukuda K, Nishina H, Isobe M, Pospisilik JA, Imai Y, Pfeufer A, Hicks AA, Pramstaller PP, Subramaniam S, Kimura A, Ocorr K, Bodmer R, Penninger JM.
    A global in vivo Drosophila RNAi screen identifies NOT3 as a conserved regulator of heart function.
    Cell 141: 142-153, 2010.(#: 共筆頭著者)
  44. Haubner BJ, Neely GG, Voelkl JG, Damilano F, Kuba K, Imai Y, Komnenovic V, Mayr A, Pachinger O, Hirsch E, Penninger JM, Metzler B*.
    PI3Kgamma protects from myocardial ischemia and reperfusion injury through a kinase-independent pathway.
    PLoS One 22: e9350, 2010.
  45. Isobe K, Kuba K, Maejima Y, Suzuki J, Kubota S, Isobe M*.
    Inhibition of endostatin/collagen XVIII deteriorates left ventricular remodeling and heart failure in rat myocardial infarction model.
    Circulation Journal 74: 109-119, 2010.
  46. Singer D, Camargo SM, Huggel K, Romeo E, Danilczyk U, Kuba K, Chesnov S, Caron MG, Penninger JM, Verrey F*.
    Orphan Transporter SLC6A18 Is Renal Neutral Amino Acid Transporter B0AT3.
    Journal of Biological Chemistry 284: 19953-19960, 2009.
  47. Kishi Y, Kuba K, Nakamura T, Wen J, Suzuki Y, Mizuno S, Nukiwa T, Matsumoto K, Nakamura T*.
    Systemic NK4 gene therapy inhibits tumor growth and metastasis of melanoma and lung carcinoma in syngeneic mouse tumor models.
    Cancer Science 100: 1351-1358, 2009.
  48. Camargo SM, Singer D, Makrides V, Huggel K, Pos KM, Wagner CA, Kuba K, Danilczyk U, Skovby F, Kleta R, Penninger JM, Verrey F*.
    Tissue-specific amino acid transporter partners ACE2 and Collectrin differentially interact with Hartnup mutations.
    Gastroenterology 136: 872-882, 2009.
  49. Imai Y, Kuba K, Neely GG, Yaghubian-Malhami R, Perkmann T, van Loo G, Ermolaeva M, Veldhuizen R, Leung YH, Wang H, Liu H, Sun Y, Pasparakis M, Kopf M, Mech C, Bavari S, Peiris JS, Slutsky AS, Akira S, Hultqvist M, Holmdahl R, Nicholls J, Jiang C, Binder CJ, Penninger JM*.
    Identification of oxidative stress and Toll-like receptor 4 signaling as a key pathway of acute lung injury.
    Cell 133: 235-249, 2008.
  50. Kuba K, Zhang L, Imai Y, Arab S, Chen M, Maekawa Y, Leschnik M, Leibbrandt A, Markovic M, Schwaighofer J, Beetz N, Musialek R, Neely GG, Komnenovic V, Kolm U, Metzler B, Ricci R, Hara H, Meixner A, Nghiem M, Chen X, Dawood F, Wong KM, Sarao R, Cukerman E, Kimura A, Hein L, Thalhammer J, Liu PP, Penninger JM*.
    Impaired heart contractility in Apelin gene-deficient mice associated with aging and pressure overload.
    Circulation Research 101: e32-42, 2007.
  51. Kuba K, Imai Y, Rao S, Gao H, Guo F, Guan B, Huan Y, Yang P, Zhang Y, Deng W, Bao L, Zhang B, Liu G, Wang Z, Chappell M, Liu Y, Zheng D, Leibbrandt A, Wada T, Slutsky AS, Liu D, Qin C, Jiang C, Penninger JM*.
    A critical role of angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) in SARS pathogenesis.
    Nature Medicine 11: 875-879, 2005.
  52. Imai Y, Kuba K#, Rao S, Huan Y, Guo F, Guan B, Yang P, Sarao R, Wada T, Leong-Poi H, Crackower MA, Fukamizu A, Hui CC, Hein L, Uhlig S, Slutsky AS, Jiang C, Penninger JM*.
    Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 protects from severe acute lung failure.
    Nature 436: 112-116, 2005.  (#:共筆頭著者)
  53. Nakabayashi M, Morishita R, Nakagami H, Kuba K, Matsumoto K, Nakamura T, Tano Y, Kaneda Y*.
    HGF/NK4 inhibited VEGF-induced angiogenesis in in vitro cultured endothelial cells and in vivo rabbit model.
    Diabetologia 46: 115-123, 2003.
  54. Tomioka D, Maehara N, Kuba K, Mizumoto K, Tanaka M, Matsumoto K, Nakamura T*.
    Inhibition of growth, invasion and metastasis of human pancreatic carcinoma cells by NK4 in an orthotopic mouse model.
    Cancer Research 61: 7518-7524, 2001.
  55. Maehara N, Matsumoto K, Kuba K, Mizumoto K, Tanaka M, Nakamura T*.
    NK4, a four-kringle antagonist of HGF, inhibits spreading and invasion of human pancreatic cancer cells.
    British Journal of Cancer 84: 864-873, 2001.
  56. Kuba K, Matsumoto K, Ohnishi K, Shiratsuchi T, Tanaka M, Nakamura T*.
    Kringle 1-4 of hepatocyte growth factor inhibits proliferation and migration of human microvascular endothelial cells.
    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 279: 846-852, 2000.
  57. Kuba K, Matsumoto K, Date K, Shimura H, Tanaka M, Nakamura T*.
    HGF/NK4, a four-kringle antagonist of hepatocyte growth factor, is an angiogenesis inhibitor that suppresses tumor growth and metastasis in mice.
    Cancer Research 60: 6737-6743, 2000.
  58. Date K, Matsumoto K, Kuba K, Shimura H, Tanaka M, Nakamura T*.
    Inhibition of tumor growth and invasion by a four-kringle antagonist (HGF/NK4) for hepatocyte growth factor.
    Oncogene 17: 3045-3054, 1998.


  1. Kuba K*, Yamaguchi T, Penninger JM.
    Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2) in the Pathogenesis of ARDS in COVID-19.
    Front Immunol. 12:732690, 2021. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.732690
  2. Kuba K*, Sato T, Imai Y, Yamaguchi T
    Apelin and Elabela/Toddler; double ligands for APJ/Apelin receptor in heart development, physiology, and pathology.
    Peptides S0196-9781(18)30085-8, 2018.
  3. Kuba K*, Imai Y, Penninger JM
    Multiple functions of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 and its relevance in cardiovascular diseases.
    Circulation Journal 77: 301-308, 2013.
  4. Imai Y*, Kuba K, Ohto-Nakanishi T, Penninger JM
    Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) in disease pathogenesis.
    Circulation Journal 74: 405-410, 2010.
  5. Kuba K*, Imai Y, Ohto-Nakanishi T, Penninger JM
    Trilogy of ACE2: a peptidase in the renin-angiotensin system, a SARS receptor, and a partner for amino acid transporters.
    Pharmacology & Therapeutics 128: 119-128, 2010.
  6. Oudit GY*, Imai Y, Kuba K, Scholey JW, Penninger JM
    The role of ACE2 in pulmonary diseases–relevance for the nephrologist.
    Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 24: 1362-1365, 2009.
  7. Imai Y*, Kuba K, Penninger JM
    The discovery of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 and its role in acute lung injury in mice.
    Experimental Physiology 93: 543-538, 2008.
  8. Imai Y*, Kuba K, Penninger JM
    Renin angiotensin system and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
    Drug Discovery Today: Disease Mechanisms 3: 225-229, 2007.
  9. Imai Y*, Kuba K, Penninger JM
    Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 in acute respiratory distress syndrome.
    Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 64: 2006-2012, 2007.
  10. Kuba K*, Imai Y, Rao S, Jiang C, Penninger JM
    Lessons from SARS: control of acute lung failure by the SARS receptor ACE2.
    Journal of Molecular Medicine 84(10): 814-20, 2006.
  11. Kuba K*, Imai Y, Penninger JM
    Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 in lung diseases.
    Current Opinion in Pharmacology. 62: 271-276, 2006.


  • 出願番号:特願2020-174378 出願日:2020年10月16日
  • 出願番号:2018-165890 特許出願公開番号:特開2020-37538
  • 特許登録番号 PCT/EP2006/004755
    The patent of Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 and Angiotensin II type 1 receptor blocker for treating acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).


薬理学分野 久場研究室

〒812-8582 福岡市東区馬出3-1-1

Kuba lab, Department of Pharmacology

Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University

3-1-1 Maidashi, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8582, Japan

Copyright © Kuba lab